Raranga to hau ki te uru
Raranga to hau ki te tonga
Kia makinakina ki uta
Kia mataratara ki tai
Kia pukepuke ai nga ngaru o te moana
Ko nga potiki a Hinehopu e heru mai ra i te Maataarae i O Rehu
As we head into 4-weeks quarantine the Committee takes this time to share examples of Maori wisdom, unity and strength. This is not the first time a global event has struck and it doesn’t matter where or when it hit first what matters is how we, the shareholders of Taheke 8C, meet and deal with the challenge that now faces us – not only as Maori but as tangata whenua of Aotearoa and citizens the world.
Nga iwi Maori have faced many trials and tribulations across the decades:
• the voyage from Hawaiki to Aotearoa – a test of strength, determination and unity;
• Colonisation and “post” colonisation – not only a test of Maori strength, determination and unity but also testimony to the forethought of our matua tupuna that resulted in Te Tiriti o Waitangi. The examples are many like the Land March to Parliament led by Dame Whina Cooper in 1975; the hikoi that began in the Far North in April 2004 arriving in Wellington on 5 May 2004 to protest against the Foreshore and Seabed Act. And on our doorstep when a group of Te Arawa kaumatua addressed the Waitangi Tribunal at Tarawhai Marae on 16 February 1993 at the hearing concerning ownership of the geothermal resource underlying our lands.
Every issue, painful or otherwise are now carved in the annals of history and etched in the memories of generations handed down. They are now treasures of our landed history. They created that foundation so firm, so strong, from which we tangata whenua venture forth in full support of each other when faced with a common take – like what we are facing now with COVID19.
While we have to close the office from Wednesday, 25 March2020 until the end of April, the GM is working remotely from home BUT in order to enable ongoing communication with you we have re-activated our 0800 line. The number to ring is: 0800 826353. Your call will be diverted to the GM phone so your call will be answered it just may take time – she can only attend to one caller at a time – so please be patient and keep trying if your call is not answered immediately.
A ha Te Arawa e!
A ha Te Arawa e!
Ko te whakaariki
Ko te whakaariki!
Tukua mai ki a piri, tukua mai ki a tata
Kia eke mai i runga ki te paepae poto a Houmaitawhiti!